I want to live in Australia and get out of US?
Since I have college loans and want to drop out of college and forget about it all. The question is: can one live naturally in Australia without any obligations to the government? Can I build a house there and live naturally without paying tax on land? do they have taxes there? Is it hot there? How can one become a permanent resident there? mtf, where am I supposed to go then if I want abandond this self devouring hell hole?
Other - Australia - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
the answer to ALL your questions is NO except Is it hot there --yes & no depending on the place & time of year do they have taxes there--yes
2 :
This is the 1st time I ever heard of anyone wanting to come TO Australia to avoid taxes, usually its the other way round.
3 :
It possible,you can build a house on aborigines land in the outback with woods and barks and yes it very hot all year round.Bring your sunscreen.Cheers mate.
4 :
You can only become a permanent resident in Australia by qualifying for a permanent visa and if you drop out of college, you'll have no chance of ever getting a visa that will allow you to move here. Permanent visas are only available to people with qualifications and experience in occupations in which we badly need workers so a college dropout simply wouldn't qualify. This is a developed first world country with a government that cares for and about its citizens. Of course you have to pay tax - that's what pays for highways and other infrastructure, schools, hospitals, our universal healthcare system, police, defence, border security and dozens of other government services. There's no country that's worth living in that doesn't have taxes. You can't just build a house here without conforming to building regulations and you will have to pay what we call 'rates' to the local government body to pay for local roads, libraries, swimming pools, garbage collection and things like that. Rates are roughly the Australian equivalent of land taxes in the US. It's much warmer overall in Australia than in the US and none of our cities have snow but while we have hot summers, in the southern parts of the country winters can get quite cold though usually with midday temperatures around 10º C (50º F) or higher.
5 :
Australia has taxes just like every other country. It's not like here you can fly out here and randomly just build a house in a little undeveloped country. Nope, we're pretty developed already. If you want to live here permanently, you'll have to pass a citizenship test and all that jazz. It can be really hot but it can be cold too, depending on where you go. Some places are hotter than others. I live in NSW and the weather can get up around 30 and rarely 40 on a really hot day, and 12 (but recently it's been hotter) during the winter. Australia though is a great place to live tho, so i'd recommend it :) Hope to see you here someday...or not...because that might be creepy.
6 :
If you drop out of college and move here, your loans will not go away. Your government/university will know where to find you to make you pay back any fees which you owe. Also, NO. You cannot live here and not contribute to society. If you wish to live here you must pay taxes. Yes, it is hot here. To become a permanent resident, you need to have qualifications for a job which we need to be filled here. If you didn't go to college, you can pretty much forget about getting permanent residence here. If you want to live here, you have to be useful, you can't just be a leech on the back of our society. You'll need qualifications, a job, and the willingness to pay your damn taxes.
7 :
Hey mate....what on earth do you think we've got going here ? This is an ordered , civilized society not a drop out zone for beach bums ! If you want to come here first clear your debts , get some recognizable skill that will enable you to earn a living & then be prepared to contribute ...
8 :
Taxes? We have Excises on Taxes (tax on a tax). We get taxed on everything, everything costs a fortune over here which forces people into hardship. You'd be swapping one self devouring hell hole for another mate. The old saying, the grass is always greener on the other side. I want to live in the US after spending some time there, you are so free to do almost anything you like. Over here in this over taxed over governed and over complicated country, you need a licence to go fishing, (That right, Fishing), and the money just goes into the Government kitty. I would stay in the US champ, at least you're government has balls, and doesn't have the audacity to take every god given right off you, and if you are smart enough, you can do well. Over here, the harder you work, the more you are taxed. I would live in the US in a heartbeat. The only people admitted into this country, are foreign criminals with no skills (Can't even speak english), and then they demand to be looked after. Thats why we get bent over every opportunity they have to tax us.
9 :
Naturally in Australia you pay Tax Naturally in Australia the weather get's hot Naturally in Australia people are obligated to obey the Govt Naturally, Australian permanent residency is available--but not to idiots. Naturally in Australia, Australians dislike idiotic questions. Naturally!
10 :
Oh really? I can just read your mind,dear old gullible Australia will put me right on the dole & keep me in the style to which I'm accustomed. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN LUV! For petes sake get your act together & stop being a leach on society.
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